Jesus Really Blog

How to Find the Sweet Spot of your Calling In this 'how-to' episode, we will look at some key elements of what is required to live a life of fulfillment according to the purpose and calling for which God created you.  Dr. Patty refers back to the love letter she received when she was saved and shares how...

What God did in Oregon at the Breakthrough Spirit Life Workshop Dr. Patty shares the miracle stories and highlights of the Breakthrough Spirit Life Workshop that was held at the House of Glory church in Lebanon, OR in late October 2022.  The workshop had three objectives:  to increase intimacy and connection with Jesus through facilitated encounters, to find breakthroughs and...

How to Usher in God’s Awakening Revival In this "how-to" episode, we will examine revival.  What does it mean?  What are the conditions that cause it?  What did Jesus have to say about this season of awakening and revival?  Dr. Patty looks at what can be learned by the first revival in the book of Acts. ...

Breaking Free from Toxic Cyles with Sherry Lynne In this "how-to" episode Dr. Patty welcomes Sherry Lynne from Sherry Lynne Counseling to discuss breaking free from toxic cycles.  Sherry explains that there are two types of toxic cycles, one that births negative patterns in your life and the second that passes those behaviors to the next generation. ...

Holy Habits for Increasing your Intimacy with Christ: Back to the Basics Part 2 In this "how-to" episode, we will look at some Holy habits that will increase your intimacy and impact with Christ.  This is part of the Back to the Basics series.   What is a Holy habit, and how is it different than a legalistic habit?   Jesus shares the benefits of...

Increasing your Intimacy with Jesus: Back to the Basics Part 1 In this "how-to" and "identity" episode, we will look at some basic questions and answers about how to increase your intimacy and, make the most out of your encounters with Jesus.  Jesus shares why He wanted me to create the Experience Jesus podcast.  Dr. Patty addresses the Biblical truths...

Offensive Spiritual Warfare with Dr. Michelle Kirby Dr. Patty welcomes Dr. Michelle Kirby from In All Things Ministry as they dive into the "how-to's" of offensive spiritual warfare.  To fight offensively, we must learn to pray God's prayers God's way.  It's all about agreeing with God for who He is and who you are in Him. ...

The Power of Partnership and Cooperation with God In this "how-to" episode, we will look at what it takes to partner and cooperate with God for His best for you.  Jesus explains the importance of cooperating with Him.  What does it mean to be a child of God and a citizen of heaven and how are we...

How to Invite God’s Manifest Presence In this "how-to" and "identity" episode we will look at the difference between God's Omnipresence and His manifest presence.  How does God show Himself to be real, bringing heaven down to earth?   How has God manifested in the Bible without being invited?  Jesus answers the questions, how can you...

How to Guard your Heart In this "how-to" and "identity" episode, we will look at the biblical principle of guarding your heart.  What does it mean?  How do you do it?  What happens when you do?  What happens when you don't?  Proverbs 4L 23-27 will be broken down to look at how what you...