Does God REALLY Love YOU? Learn How Easily You Can Ask Him Directly

Seeing Things through God’s Eyes
It wasn’t the first time the Lord took me on a magic carpet ride. Each time is wonderful! I always learn something amazing on each trip. This time, we flew around the whole world. Jesus wanted to show me His heart for all the people groups who still needed to know Him. I saw faces of every race, age, and status and felt His compassionate yearning for them. When the ride was nearly over, He flipped the carpet, so we were flying upside down lower to the ground. This was cooler than any amusement park ride! Surprisingly, I wasn’t scared. There was no sensation of falling as I was stuck to the carpet with the wind blowing through my hair and a wild upside-down perspective of the world! Then Jesus talked to me about the object lesson of this experience.
Truth, Realness and Gravity
I am your gravity. You are naturally and gently pulled to Me. There is no fear when you are with Me. People don’t doubt gravity. They trust and believe in it without thought. They know that gravity is REAL. The truth is that gravity doesn’t require you to believe in it to BE true. It IS True. You are not a factor in the truth of gravity.
Trust that He is For You
The same is true of Me. I AM whether people believe in Me or not. You did not speak creation into existence. That was My job. It’s weird that people trust gravity, and struggle with trusting Me, the Creator of gravity. It grieves Me that so many don’t know how alive and present I am. I created people to connect with Me like you have taught them to do in this book. Some people will argue; “Patty is different, or special because she can hear God so personally, but I can’t do that.” That is a limiting lie. You are special to Me but you are simply showing people how to live out the Biblical truths that are available for every believer.
Connect with Him Personally
I created everyone to be able to connect with Me personally and the Word clearly shows the way. I am here for everyone in all ways. My heart longs for you. I came to give you abundant life. Connecting with Me individually is one of the secrets to growing your faith and trust to navigate this world. I want people to stop looking for Me in dusty attic boxes marked “religious stuff” when the truth is, I’m right HERE! I’m sitting in plain sight and waiting to LOVE each one in their special places.
Jesus Explains Why He wants to Connect with You by His Names
The capacity to believe in Me is enlarged tremendously by experiencing Me! You encounter the Truth of who I AM to you personally, today, yesterday, and tomorrow when you fix your eyes on Me in all areas. I am sufficient for all of your needs. (see 2 Corinthians 12:9)
When you encounter Me by My Names personally, you begin to collect memories of Me being Who you need for each circumstance. This is how you will live your gospel story in the world and represent Me confidently. The more you encounter Me in these daily, personal ways, the more you give Me access to your heart for transformation.
Yes, You can too!
Every name I have been for others in the Bible, I can be for you. Won’t you allow Me to be them for you? The Gospel is nothing more than a personal recounting of what you have seen, heard and experienced of God directly. When you encounter Me personally, you are a witness of the REAL God. Memories you collect with Me will increase your trust, faith, belief, and boldness to represent Me well in the world. The more you encounter the different aspects of Me, the more confidence you will have that I AM who I say I AM. The more confidence you have, the more you will inspire others to trust Me. Make them want what you have in Me.
God’s Heart for You
I am ready and waiting to meet you in these encounters. I am one God with many facets, way too large for anyone to understand completely. So, meet Me one Name at a time and build memories of personal times where you and I work through challenges and experience joy together. The more you encounter Me, the easier it will be to Trust Me and believe in Me in all areas of life. I Am the Promise Keeper. You’ll see!
But How Can You Connect with God Directly?
How could you trust a God that you cannot see, hear, or feel? That was never God’s intention. In this first book of her Experience Jesus series, Encountering the LOVE of God, Dr. Patty Sadallah leads readers to have direct encounters with God by introducing them personally to five Names of God. Using a tool called Dialogue Journaling which allows readers to tap into the indwelling Holy Spirit, Dr. Sadallah facilitates connections with God through scripturally based content, inspirational stories, lyric videos, film clips and three experientially designed encounters per Name.
The Names You will Meet
1. When you meet the Heavenly Father, you are introduced to the power of child-like faith and its
mysterious ability to help you connect with God purely and without the barriers to faith that adulthood brings.
2. When you meet the Savior, you learn in a most personal way, why the Lord chose to come as a human and died for YOU. You will understand the price paid for your salvation and why you were worth the cost to God. You will also appreciate the great exchange and the benefits that are yours now and forever as your inheritance.
3. When you meet Immanuel, you will encounter the God who always was, is, and always will be with you. He will show you that in an instant, you can see and feel His Covering and connect with His Mind, Will, and Emotion to handle any circumstance your days can bring.
4. When you meet the Bridegroom, you will understand the intimacy and value of God’s genuine trust and partnership in your life. You will learn the benefits of being united to the All-powerful, All-knowing, All benevolent, and Ever-Present God.
5. When you meet the Friend, you will encounter the joy of God as you have playful adventures with the One you trust with your heart, secrets, and life. You will learn about the powerful favor anointing that comes with the likeability factor of friendship and the role that praise and worship have in it.
This book demonstrates the truth about having a personal relationship with God. I have been a committed Christian for 32 years but after learning how to encounter God in this childlike manner, Jesus has revealed Himself to me in a fresh anointed way. Experience is what builds faith and as Patty leads you through these teachings you will find your faith deepening with each encounter. I challenge each of you to allow the Holy Spirit to excite your heart through His love encounters whether you are seeking truth, or you are a new or long-time believer. Jesus is alive and wants to prove it to you. I pray you will let Him. Patty’s writings are easy to understand and lead you through this method one step at a time. These writings will inspire you to share in these adventures as she takes you on her journeys with Jesus. ~ Christine Lewicki
“I have stopped praying to a distant Lord above and started having conversations with my Holy Father, Jesus, my Savior and Immanuel, etc. That remains a Divine gift within me. He Loves me and will always be there for me.” ~ Monica Hoffman
“Dr Patty’s passion, enthusiasm and knowledge of the material is contagious, and her book leads to amazing spiritual growth. She shares her own personal stories, trials and victories and helps to make God so relatable.”~ Charisse Anderson
”Instead of rigid religious views of God, I have learned that God is approachable. He is delighted in me. He plays with me and He is fun!” ~ Hannah Chen
Get Encountering the Love of God By Dr. Patty Sadallah
Whether you have never experienced Jesus personally or you already know how to hear God’s voice but would like to encounter Him more deeply, this book will show you the way. Now is the time to taste and see that the Lord is good.
For more on the Book Series, visit the Book series webpage:
Experience Jesus
To buy the book, click here for the Amazon page.
Buy Encountering the LOVE of God

Bonus #1- Get two chapters Free of How to Live a Worry-Free Life: Just Ask Jesus Book 1
If you wish you could understand how to find the peace that surpasses understanding promised in the Bible, simply fill out the contact information form and click on the Free Offer link, and you will receive two chapters of Dr. Patty Sadallah’s How to Live a Worry-Free Life; Just Ask Jesus Book 1.
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Two chapters of How to Live a Worry-Free Life
Bonus # 2- Encounter God Right Now
Are you ready to meet the Love of God? All you need to do is find a quiet place, pray and expect to meet Jesus, tune to the flow of the Holy Spirit as you listen and allow Jesus to take you to your personal special place in this guided imagery encounter with Jesus . Have a journal or notebook handy to write down your experience.
Experience Your Special Place Encounter with Jesus
Dr. Patty Sadallah is a Professor at Christian Leadership University and leads the international Spirit Life Circle mentored coaching service of Communion with God Ministries. She has authored several Christian books that are all experientially based and include media to aid in connecting with Jesus. Encountering the LOVE of God is Book 1 of the Experience Jesus Series. Each book in the Series introduces you to five Names of God. Encountering the HEALING of God is also available now. Look for Encountering the DIRECTION of God toward the end of 2020 and Encountering the POWER of God in early 2021.
It’s Time for You to Encounter the Love of God
You never have to wonder again if Jesus loves you. You can know right now how He feels about you and the best part about knowing Him is learning more about who you are and what He has called you to be and do. Allow God to shine the light on the truth of His love for you personally so you may find your way to the best version of yourself.
See for yourself how accessible, personal, and loving God really is. Your story of God’s love for you is waiting to unfold.