In today’s special “How-To” episode I will be having a nice chat with Kimberly Jones who is a member of my Spirit Life Circle and has some great experience and insight in evangelism.  Presence Evangelism is about inviting God’s Presence so that you are seeing, hearing, feeling, and sensing His heart and will for a person.  It will look like God highlighting the person He wants you to bring to Him and directing what you should say and do.   It will include Holy Spirit manifestation gifts such as words of knowledge, prophecy, miracles, healings, etc… any of them that the Holy Spirit releases in that circumstance.  It is essentially evangelizing by surrendering 100% to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power.   Dr. Patty and Kimberly talk about how to overcome the fear of evangelism and how to properly prepare your heart to reach the lost.  They discuss scriptures that ground you in the message of the gospel and Kimberly shares some stories about her experiences doing street evangelization in New York City.  Jesus shares His two cents on how to allow Him to flow through you in this process where He releases His power to save the lost.  Jesus will give you a glimpse of what it would look like for you to practice Presence Evangelism in your own life and will identify what would move you forward in that direction.

Links referenced in this episode:

  Love New York



Spirit Life Circles



Kimberly Jones

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