This “How-To” episode takes a detailed look at the Holy Spirit manifestation gifts of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues.  Jesus explains about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and what the gifts related to tongues are and why He gave them to all believers.  Dr. Patty shares the two different types of tongues in the Bible and shares examples of both types being released in her own life.  Why should you want to speak or pray in tongues every day?  And how to do release your heavenly language if you have not already done so.  What does the Interpretation of Tongues look like in a practical sense?  Jesus shares His heart about this gift by connecting us to a song that He inspired about it. And He guides you to the releasing of your heavenly language and shows you how to increase your gift of the interpretation of tongues in your experience with Him.  

Links referenced in this episode:

Salvation: The Great Exchange and your Inheritance Now

Understanding and Releasing the Manifestation Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Native Tongue by Switchfoot

Dr. Mark Virkler  Speaking in Tongues Part 1

Dr. Mark Virkler Speaking in Tongues Part 2

Get 2 Free Chapters of the Experience Jesus Book Series



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