God is love.






Jesus Really! It wasn’t easy coming up this Blog name.  I needed to find a name that summarized the gist of all that God has called me to do. I kept coming back to the word ‘real.’ I think that’s because when a person encounters the “real” Living God, they are on their way to freedom and abundance and Fruit of the Spirit joy!


The Power Thesaurus. is a crowd-sourced thesaurus, meaning that people share the words that come to mind when they hear words. These responses are ranked by the number of times people thought of that word. Searching the word “real” www.PowerThesaurus.org/real what you will notice is words like; true, genuine, authentic, tangible, bona fide…these words go on for 61 pages of Yes and Amen words!

The number one word on the Power Thesaurus for ‘real’ was ‘true’. In John 18:38 Pilate asked Jesus, “What is Truth?” But, that was the wrong question. Truth is not a thing to know in your head. Jesus explained it to Thomas in John 14:6 “6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”’ The correct question is; who is the Truth? Why is it important to know the Truth? John 8:32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

I want you to know in your heart the real Truth. His name is Jesus. And He has a strong personal voice in this blog, and in the books He has me write. Not just so I can share what I know about Him, but so you can meet Him yourself. Jesus is REAL. He is for you today, and I would like you to meet Him personally.

Like my books, many of the blog articles here will include media and actual dialogue journal conversations with Jesus Himself. God is creative and speaks the language of the heart using stories, pictures, metaphors, music that evoke emotions. If you want to know how to have these kinds of conversations with God, you can learn how in the Just Ask Jesus book series. It’s easier than you think and I’ll be posting how-to articles on here as well.

A Greeting From Jesus

Hello My beloved,

You really can believe that I stand at the door of your heart and knock. I’d love to be welcomed to spend time with you. Let’s talk, walk, laugh and cry together. It is true that My sheep hear My voice; they know Me and Follow Me, and I love and take good care of them. My heart’s desire is to have you know Me intimately. This truth is for YOU!

Love, your Savior and Friend, Jesus

Jesus really loves you and wants to have these conversations with you.  Join our list to receive these blogs and learn how to meet Him personally.


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